Monday, 1 March 2010

Cloth Nappy Adventures - A Happy Nappy Shopping List

This is intended as a very basic guide as to what you should need in venturing into the world of cloth, however this is by no means comprehensive and I'd definitely advise you to read up on the different types of nappy available etc. before purchasing.
Happy nappy shopping!


16-20 flat OR AIO nappies

The number of nappies you will actually need depends on how fast you want your washing turn around to be. If you plan to wash every day, for example, you will need less nappies than if you plan to only wash every three days. Also remember to take in account the drying times for your chosen nappy type, especially if you don’t have a tumble dryer.

Around 6 nappy wraps per size

You will only need these with a two-part nappy system (for the flat nappies). I’d estimate that you should have around 6 wraps in case of accidents, however again you could get away with less if you wash more frequently. PUL wraps are practically dry out of the machine and can also be wiped clean between uses, so you do not need to change the wrap every time you change the nappy unless it is soiled.

OR Around 10 Pocket nappies

Pocket nappies dry faster and 10 will be enough if you wash every night.

Nappy liners

You have the choice here between disposable liners that can either be flushed or binned (dependent upon make) or reusable ones. The reusables tend to be made of fleece, and for these you should aim to have around twenty. Paper liners can be cut in half for smaller nappies and can also be washed a couple of times if only wet before they begin to disintegrate. Many users report that paper liners reduce the staining of breastfed pooh, whereas fleece is better for weaned babies.

Nappy bucket & mesh

Used for the storing of soiled nappies. The mesh fits inside the lidded bucket and makes transferring to the washing machine a lot more pleasant. Not many people soak nappies these days, and indeed there are some modern cloth nappies that you should not soak, so the nappies go straight into the bucket with no additives. Some folk keep their bucket fresh by popping a muslin with a few drops of essential oil on top of the nappies.


You will probably need these for increasing the absorbency at night once baby is about 6 months old. 4 boosters should be enough, however many people prefer to have more to vary them up at different stages etc. The better materials for absorbency overnight are considered to be bamboo and hemp as well as microfibre.

Nappy nippas

These are a must if you are using fasten free nappies and are excellent for tightening up a fit even on an applix or poppered nappy, too. A packet usually contains three and this should be plenty.

Accessories to consider

Something essential to consider is exactly where you want to store your nappies. Ideas have included wicker storage baskets, traditional nappy stackers, changing units, suspended cloth storage hangers usually meant for shoes and chest of drawers.

Wet Bag
To put dirty cotton nappies in when you are out and about. They can just be popped in the wash with the other nappies.

Washable wipes

These are small pieces of material that can be used to clean a baby's bottom at nappy changes instead of disposable wipes. Plain water or a mild solution including essential oils can be used. Wipes come in a variety of materials and are also simple to make at home.

Essential oils
Lavender and Tea Tree are both antibacterial and can be used on a muslin cloth in your nappy bucket to keep things smelling fresh, a few drops in the wash or in a solution mixture for your washable wipes.

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